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How To Cut High Tree Branches in Your Auburn, AL, Home

How To Cut High Tree Branches in Your Auburn, AL, Home

Are your trees growing a little higher than your liking? You might not have to cut it down to the tree stump or drill holes in the root system, but you will have to reach a little higher if you want to reach those higher branches. This might leave you wondering how to cut high tree branches safely and effectively.

As Auburn’s leading arborists, the team at ACE Tree Service knows how to successfully and safely cut high tree branches. We'll explain everything you need to know below.

Carefully Prune and Cut Tree Branches - Don't Rush!

It's crucial to prune properly by using the right equipment and cuts. Using the wrong tools or making the wrong moves could risk jeopardizing the whole job. If you prune too deep, you could end up wounding the tree.

To be more methodical when pruning taller trees, you'll need to use wider-reaching tools. Different approaches might be better suited for different species of trees. Nevertheless, you may want to consider making use of:

  • A pole pruner:This will afford you more reach than a typical pruning saw.
  • A pole saw: These can cut deeper than a traditional pole pruner.
  • A high-limb chainsaw: Thicker trees might warrant thicker blades.

To trim your tree branches more effectively, you'll need to think about more than just blade selection!

Take Stock of Your Tree Trimming Tools

When learning how to cut high tree branches, you'll need other essential equipment to effectively trim your tall tree beyond blades. This equipment isn't just essential for effectively completing the job but for your health and safety. To appropriately meet the elements, you'll need to use appropriate equipment, such as:

  • Safety goggles: You don't want to have tree dust and pine getting into your eyes.
  • Strong work gloves: These are the most reliable way to prevent finger cuts as you prune.
  • Shoes with non-slip soles: Climbing shoes will give you a safer foothold.

Ladders, ropes, and harnesses can give you more leverage. Make sure you assess the weaknesses in the tree's structure before climbing. If it's too high for normal tools to do the trick, consider utilizing an arborist who can employ an industrial crane or bucket lift. 

Hire a Professional Tree Service Provider To Do It for You

The best way to get the results you want in a shorter amount of time is by hiring a professional. Experienced arborists know how to cut high tree branches using industry-leading equipment and techniques. They also have sufficient safety gear.  

Unless you have experience in this area, it's always best to hire a professional to take on this task for you.

Alabama Residents Deserve Nothing Less Than ACE Tree Service!

Whether you need help with pruning or have problems with tree pests like bagworms, we have your back!

Do you need to trim a tall tree or need other professional arborist services? Call 205-332-7757 for ACE Tree Service in Auburn, Alabama!

Is Tree Cabling a Good Idea in Huntsville, AL?

Is Tree Cabling a Good Idea in Huntsville, AL?

An unfortunate reality about having trees on your property is that sometimes healthy trees need extra help and support. Cabling and bracing can provide that support. Still, you might ask, "Is tree cabling a good idea?"

As the best arborist in Huntsville, Alabama, ACE Tree Service understands that sometimes healthy trees need the extra support that cabling can provide. Here, our team shares some of the advantages of tree cabling and why tree cabling services are sometimes necessary. 

What's Tree Cabling?

Tree cabling is the process of using high-strength cables, bolts, and other bracing materials to give trees supplemental support. Cabling and bracing help minimize structural damage by restricting the movement of weak branches. The service is usually necessary to prevent branches from falling and causing injuries or property damage due to wind, snow accumulation, or ice buildup.

Is Tree Cabling Necessary?

Is tree cabling a good idea? The answer depends on the condition of the tree. 

Bracing and cabling a tree is usually a good idea if your intention is to protect the plant from excessive stress due to external factors. For instance, if your neighborhood gets lots of wind or snow, you may consider cabling your tree to prevent heavy branches from breaking off. The external support can also mitigate the tree's stress if its leaves, flowers, or fruits are too heavy for its limbs to support alone. 

Ideally, you should avoid using cabling as an alternative to regular tree pruning. Pruning dead, dying, or diseased branches is always more effective than using cables for extra support. The exception to this rule is when a healthy tree has storm damage in one or two branches and needs support while the limbs heal. 

Top Tree Cabling Benefits

If you enjoy the therapeutic benefits of gardening and having trees in your yard, tree cabling and bracing could be a great way to support struggling plants. Cabling offers many benefits including:

  • Support for Weak Branches: Cabling uses high-strength cables to keep weak tree limbs in one position, preventing them from snapping in half. The longer they remain in place, the stronger the branch can become.
  • Protection From Severe Winter Weather: The dense, durable cables give weak branches enough support to withstand the elements during the winter.
  • Guidance for Tree Growth:Sometimes tree branches can grow in the wrong direction after sustaining damage. Cabling and bracing can help tree limbs shift into better positions as they heal and grow.
  • Structural Maintenance in Established Trees:Co-dominant stems in mature trees can cause tree failure due to stress, yet cabling can help stems grow correctly.

Explore Tree Support Systems With ACE Tree Service

If you have questions like "Is tree cabling a good idea?" or "Can beneficial insects help trees thrive?" ACE Tree Service is here to answer them. As a licensed and ISA-certified arborist serving Huntsville, Alabama and the neighboring communities, our professional crew offers an array of tree care services. 

Whether you need to ensure tree safety with cabling or need tree disease and insect treatment, we can do the job right. Call ACE Tree Service at (205) 332-7757 today for a quote.

When Is the Best Time to Plant Trees in Auburn, AL?

When Is the Best Time to Plant Trees in Auburn, AL?

When is the best time to plant trees? Finding the right season can mean the difference between a thriving specimen and one that struggles to survive.

As the go-to premium tree service in Auburn, AL, our team at ACE Tree Service knows a thing or two about the area’s distinct climate. Keep reading as we help you plan the perfect moment to introduce a new addition to your landscape.

Plan Accordingly

Many experts agree that late fall creates the optimal planting environment for saplings; this stems from the milder temperatures and more consistent rainfall. This gives time for root establishment before winter dormancy and positions them for stronger growth in the spring.

We’re blessed with milder winters here in Auburn, AL, which means the ground rarely freezes. You can push the limits a bit and plant from November through March. The cold yet frost-free soil temperature reduces the risk of transplant shock and gives your specimens the best start possible.

Unique Cases

You shouldn’t treat this general recommendation as a hard-and-fast rule. Certain trees may prefer different planting times.

Cypress, juniper, holly, boxwood, and other evergreens don’t really have a dormant season. You can plant this any time of the year, provided the weather isn’t too hot. Some species like birch, willow, and magnolia love early spring planting since they take a longer time to establish.

Check with your local nursery and ask for advice on local Auburn species.

What’s Next?

When is the best time to plant trees? This is but one of the many factors to consider if you want to create a thriving yard. You should also consider:

  • Sunlight Exposure: Observe your preferred spot at different times of the day. Different species have unique light needs that range from full sun to partial shade.
  • Planting depth: Dig a hole that allows the root ball to sit slightly above ground level. This prevents water from accumulating around the trunk and reduces the risk of rot.
  • Watering requirements: Newly planted trees usually require consistent moisture. One good weekly soaking is typically better than frequent shallow watering, as it encourages deeper root growth.
  • Soil type: Test for pH levels, nutrient content, and drainage capabilities. If you would rather skip this more intensive analysis, look at your surrounding area to see what flora thrives in your part of Auburn — and try to match that for the best results.
  • Placement: Consider the mature size of the tree to avoid overcrowding. Proper spacing provides adequate airflow and reduces the risk of disease spread.

Dependable Arborists in Auburn, AL

When is the best time to plant trees? Instead of leaving your new sapling’s future to chance, why not partner with ACE Tree Service?

Our proficient crew can assess your landscape, lend some insight, and even handle the planting process for you. Trust in our expertise to set your garden on the path to healthy, robust growth.

Dial (205) 332-7757 to learn more about our tree service! Schedule a job today.  

When To Remove Tree Stakes in Auburn, AL

When To Remove Tree Stakes in Auburn, AL

Property owners are often interested in knowing when to remove tree stakes and guy wires or lines they put down when planting a tree. The hardware is useful for protecting a young tree as it grows and establishes a root system in its new environment.

Nevertheless, the time comes when the stakes and lines become counterproductive and can hinder the tree's proper growth and development.

ACE Tree Service provides information below about when tree stakes should be removed and how to go about doing the job while protecting your tree. If you need further assistance, the top tree service in Auburn, AL, is here to help.

Why Tree Stakes Are Useful for Young Trees

As new trees work to develop strong roots and become established in their new environment, stakes and guy lines perform an important service. They protect trees from damage caused by high winds, rough weather, and loose soil. 

Smaller newly planted trees with undersized root balls or previous weather damage especially need the extra support staking provides until their root system can handle the job on its own.

Leaving a tree staked longer than necessary causes a different kind of damage. Unneeded support slows trunk growth. When restricted from moving and developing flexibility, a tree cannot properly develop resilience against high winds. 

The Right Time To Pull Up Stakes 

Wondering when to remove tree stakes? Your tree is ready to stand on its own as soon as its root system has reached stability and sufficient strength. While there is no exact way to know when that happens, arborists usually suggest one year from planting is an appropriate time to remove support stakes. 

Typically, after a year and a full growing season, a tree should be 6 feet tall, and its trunk should be at least 1 inch in diameter. Some species redeploy roots faster than others, and you should also consider your tree's species and overall health. 

A year in place also gives the soil underneath your new tree time to settle back into place after being disrupted at the time of planting.

Arborists generally agree that after a full year, the value of tree staking begins to diminish unless there is some other important reason to continue supporting the tree. 

Removing Tree Stakes and Guy Lines 

Release the tension on the guy lines or wires. Carefully remove the lines and wrapping from the tree. Be careful not to damage the bark or branches. 

Take a mallet or a hammer to tap the base of each stake, and then move the stake back and forth from the tip to loosen it until you can remove it from the ground. Fill the holes with some loose soil. 

ACE Tree Service Proudly Serves Auburn, Alabama

The ISA-Certified Arborists at ACE Tree Service are prepared to help you understand when to remove tree stakes and any other tree-related questions or issues you may have. Our team is ready to help with planting, care, maintenance, or removal at every step. 

Contact ACE Tree Service to discuss your professional arborist needs and to schedule service in Auburn and the entire region.

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(205) 332-7757

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