Location Central Alabama
Is Tree Cabling a Good Idea in Huntsville, AL?

Is Tree Cabling a Good Idea in Huntsville, AL?

An unfortunate reality about having trees on your property is that sometimes healthy trees need extra help and support. Cabling and bracing can provide that support. Still, you might ask, "Is tree cabling a good idea?"

As the best arborist in Huntsville, Alabama, ACE Tree Service understands that sometimes healthy trees need the extra support that cabling can provide. Here, our team shares some of the advantages of tree cabling and why tree cabling services are sometimes necessary. 

What's Tree Cabling?

Tree cabling is the process of using high-strength cables, bolts, and other bracing materials to give trees supplemental support. Cabling and bracing help minimize structural damage by restricting the movement of weak branches. The service is usually necessary to prevent branches from falling and causing injuries or property damage due to wind, snow accumulation, or ice buildup.

Is Tree Cabling Necessary?

Is tree cabling a good idea? The answer depends on the condition of the tree. 

Bracing and cabling a tree is usually a good idea if your intention is to protect the plant from excessive stress due to external factors. For instance, if your neighborhood gets lots of wind or snow, you may consider cabling your tree to prevent heavy branches from breaking off. The external support can also mitigate the tree's stress if its leaves, flowers, or fruits are too heavy for its limbs to support alone. 

Ideally, you should avoid using cabling as an alternative to regular tree pruning. Pruning dead, dying, or diseased branches is always more effective than using cables for extra support. The exception to this rule is when a healthy tree has storm damage in one or two branches and needs support while the limbs heal. 

Top Tree Cabling Benefits

If you enjoy the therapeutic benefits of gardening and having trees in your yard, tree cabling and bracing could be a great way to support struggling plants. Cabling offers many benefits including:

  • Support for Weak Branches: Cabling uses high-strength cables to keep weak tree limbs in one position, preventing them from snapping in half. The longer they remain in place, the stronger the branch can become.
  • Protection From Severe Winter Weather: The dense, durable cables give weak branches enough support to withstand the elements during the winter.
  • Guidance for Tree Growth:Sometimes tree branches can grow in the wrong direction after sustaining damage. Cabling and bracing can help tree limbs shift into better positions as they heal and grow.
  • Structural Maintenance in Established Trees:Co-dominant stems in mature trees can cause tree failure due to stress, yet cabling can help stems grow correctly.

Explore Tree Support Systems With ACE Tree Service

If you have questions like "Is tree cabling a good idea?" or "Can beneficial insects help trees thrive?" ACE Tree Service is here to answer them. As a licensed and ISA-certified arborist serving Huntsville, Alabama and the neighboring communities, our professional crew offers an array of tree care services. 

Whether you need to ensure tree safety with cabling or need tree disease and insect treatment, we can do the job right. Call ACE Tree Service at (205) 332-7757 today for a quote.

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