Certified Arborist Birmingham, Al
"God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand tempest and floods. But he cannot save them from fools." John Muir
The south is landscaped with beautiful and majestic trees. These decade and century old trees can be found
in neighborhoods, downtown areas, parks and in the country. Some were carefully planted by design and others planted by nature.
A young tree or an older tree can become sick for many different reasons including insects, fungus andbacteria. Someone may want to save a tree also for many different reasons including aesthetics, environmental and emotional connections.
When it is time to call someoneabout a sick tree, it may be a big mistake to call any tree service company.
Many companies are not equipped and/or may not want to salvage a tree. Their only remedy is to remove the tree. To obtain the appropriate tree care, start by only hiring a tree service company with Certified Arborists (CA). A company with a certified arborist is able to assess, diagnose, develop and implement a treatment plan, and then evaluate the effectiveness in order to save the tree if possible.
Assessment of the tree: An arborist will collect data from the customer and from his/her own inspection of the tree. The arborist may ask the owner did the health of the tree decline suddenly or slowly over a period of time. Has there been any grading, digging or construction work in the past few years near the tree? Is there a drainage problem around the tree? The customer is vital in the health assessment of the tree. The arborist collects his/her own data based on many factors about the
tree. How is the trunk and root system? What does the foliage look like? What kinds of insects are present? Are there burring holes? Is there biting, claw marks or other damage caused by animals? What type of soil? What is the overall health of the tree? These are just a few of the things an arborist looks for in his/her assessment.
Diagnosis: After the arborist has utilized a systematic approach to collect and analyze the information and data about the tree, he/she is able to correctly diagnose the problem. The arborist uses his education, training, experience and his professional judgment to determine the health of the tree.
Treatment plan: The first part of the plan is to decide if the tree is a potential hazard. If the tree is a risk to life or property, quick action is immediately needed to prevent injury. If the tree does not cause any hazards, the arborist develops a treatment plan for the tree. Some of the interventions (not inclusive list) might be pruning, fertilizing, soil improvement, pest control, bracing for structural support, lightning protection, correcting drainage, transplantation or removal. Something to consider when developing a plan is if the problem is contagious to other trees. Another consideration is if there is no hazard and the tree is destined to die, is it best just to let nature run its course and do nothing. Together with the customer, the arborist develops the most appropriate treatment plan and goals for the tree.
Evaluation: The arborist must evaluate if the treatment plan is delivering the desirable results. The treatment goals may have been to stop the disease process, prevent further damage and to see improvements to the health of the tree. Are these goals being met? Does the treatment plan need adjusting? The arborist works with the customer to evaluate the outcomes of the service.
The services of an arborist do not have to wait until you have a sick tree. An arborist assesses the health
and safety of trees, prevention (and when needed intervention) of disease, and ensures local codes are met. An arborist knows the science of planting, taking care of, and basic maintenance of individual trees.
A Certified arborist (CA) is a tree professional who has a minimum of three years of documented and verified experience. They have to pass a difficult written test to prove competency given by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA). There is also college training that leads to a Qualified Arborist certificate which counts toward the required experience to become a Certified Arborist. An ISA credential means an arborist is trained and knowledgeable in all aspects of arboriculture, has
the required minimum experience and upholds the code of ethics for ISA Certified Arborists