Location Central Alabama
Can Trees Get Sick in Tuscaloosa, AL?

Can Trees Get Sick in Tuscaloosa, AL?

Trees have adapted over thousands of years to survive outdoors and brave just about anything Mother Nature throws at them. They give us shade, fruits, habitat for wildlife, and oxygen. Trees also contribute to the natural beauty of our surroundings.    

Can trees get sick? What causes trees to get sick, and how can you tell you have a sick tree in your yard?  

As Tuscaloosa’s reliable tree service, the ACE Tree Service crew explores common tree ailments and outlines the most common signs of tree disease.   

What Causes Tree Illnesses?  

Most tree health issues develop from factors similar to the causes of illnesses in humans. Bacteria and viruses infect trees, causing many illnesses. Trees can also experience health problems because of chemicals, inclement weather, or excessive/ insufficient water.  

Trees also succumb to illness from pest and insect infestations. Animals like deer, squirrels, and cattle can also damage trees. Fungi can adversely affect a tree’s health, as can weeds and unhealthy soil.  

The most common diseases affecting trees include anthracnose, Dutch elm disease, and root rot. These diseases can have a significant impact on tree health and can spread rapidly or even kill the tree if poorly managed.  

Symptoms of Tree Illness  

Can trees get sick? Yes, they can. In fact, sick trees pose a health and safety hazard.   

Detecting tree sickness beforehand helps nip things in the bud before they get out of hand. Watch for the following tree illness symptoms:  

Dead and Weak Branches  

Dry, cracked, or dropping branches point to a severely damaged or injured tree in need of professional attention. Hire a tree care expert to inspect the tree for disease and address the issue promptly.  

Tree Bark Issues  

A sick tree may exhibit moist, discolored, weeping, or flaking bark. When the tree bark has issues, the rest of the tree suffers.  

Drying or Wilted Leaves  

When leaves wilt or dry prematurely, they’re probably getting insufficient moisture and nutrition. Anything from rot to insect infestation can cause leaf damage. 

Mold and Decay  

Mold often points to a tree rotting from within or one with excess moisture on its bark. This typically happens with trees growing in muddy or boggy areas.  

Insect Attacks  

Pest attacks can deteriorate a tree’s health quickly. If you suspect a pest or insect infestation, call a professional to inspect your tree right away and recommend the best solution.  

Seek Professional Help  

The best way to establish whether you have a sick tree that needs help is to call a certified arborist. These seasoned tree experts will assess the tree and recommend the best option. Some trees may need prompt treatment, bracing, or other remedies to restore them to optimal health.  

Trust Your Local Tree Care Experts  

Now that you know the answer to, “Can trees get sick?” you can’t entrust just anyone for your tree care needs. Count on ACE Tree Service for a wide range of tree care services, including:

  • Plant health care  
  • Tree removal  
  • Certified arboristservices  
  • Tree cabling and bracing  

Call ACE Tree Service at (205) 332-7757 to request top-tier tree services in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, or nearby. 

For any inquiries call now

(205) 332-7757

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4213 1st Ave N
Birmingham, AL 35222


Adam Elliot: S0-6393A
Josh Howard: S0-6909A

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